Getting Results: Camp Receives Award For Making An Impact On Mental Health


Dan Jurman, President & CEO of Camp has a vision and a challenge for the future of Camp. That vision: ensure that we are serving as many children who need us as possible. “We’re going to challenge ourselves every single year to work with a new diagnosis group. This year we focused on children’s mental health. That’s a crisis across the nation right now.” That focus led to a Hurricane Relief Camp Weekend designed to help children and their families who went through a traumatic experience as a result of the Hurricanes that impacted the state of Florida in 2022.

Our amazing recruitment team reached out to families who had lost relatives, their belongings, homes, and more and brought them to Camp. Rather than having our normal army of medical professionals, we had an army of dedicated mental health professionals on hand to simply be there for the children and their families.

The power and magic of Camp impacted many lives that weekend, and that’s a mission that we take very seriously. “We exist because children are suffering and so there's a huge responsibility that comes along with that to make sure that we're doing everything that we can to leave no child out of this kind of experience.” - Dan Jurman, President & CEO.

Thank you so much for honoring our mission and our work Channel 6, we sincerely appreciate the recognition.


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